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Monday, December 14, 2009

My Grandfather, Hans E Borg, Shot in the line of duty

Newspaper Article found by our cousin T. Borg. First printed in The Richfield Reaper News on 29 Apr 1916, Richfield, Utah.


Investigation of Illicit Love Affair By Peace Officers Results in Shooting of Hans Borg ------ Chances for His Recovery Said to be Favorable

Richfield was the scene of a shooting affairat an early hour Thursday morning which came near being a tragedy. Illicit love and the weakness of a woman form the base of a story which can be told in a single chapter.

About the first of April a woman named McCabe came to this city from Marysville. She rented a little home owned by W. A. Cheel and entered into possession. She had been devorced from her husband about a year. Mrs. McCabe was little known here. She appeared, superficially, to be a quiet, industrious sort of a woman, and did nothing to arouse suspicion or curiosity in the neighborhood.

Mr. Cheel had been apprised that a man named Williams was here on Wednesday, and having heard that he and the McCabe woman had been charged with undue intimacy at marysville, he made complaint to city marshal Dan Borg, setting up the allegation that he believed things were not "all right" at the home of the McCabe woman, urging further that certain untoward circumstances be investigated.

Early Thursday morning Marshal Borg proceeded to the McCabe home, deputizing his brother, Hans Borg, to accompany him. Mr. Cheel and a Mr. Anderson, also went with the officers. Arrived at the residence about 1 o'clock, they found the place in darkness and no apparent movement about the premises. Marshal Borg knocked at the front door and demanded admission, eliciting no responce from within. The posse remained on the outside a half hour or more without hearing anything of an incriminating nature and finally Marshal Borg threatened the occupants of the house that he would enter in a forcible manner. This he proceeded to do, wrecking the door to gain admission.

Dan Borg and his brother, Hans, were the first to cross the threshold, striking a match immediately after making their ingress.

The match made but a faint illumination, but in its expiring glow Williams and the McCabe woman were discovered occupying the same bed in the rear of the room. Ere the light became extinguished, Williams rested himself upon his elbow, drew a revolver and fired two shots at the invaders. Both shots were effective. Hans Borg staggered from the room with his left wrist broken and lacerated and with a bullet in his abdomen. This last entered his right side and ranged downward, causing a perforation of the intestines.

The wounded man was conveyed to his home and medical aid summoned. Prior to this Sheriff Leavitt was notified and hurriedly proceeded to the scene where, after Williams had put on his clothes, he was placed under arrest.

Hans Borg, the victim of the shooting, was hurried down to a hospital in Salina and his injuries given immediate attention. The wound in his abdomen is the most serious of all, and may cost him his life. Yesterday evening, however, he was reported resting easily, with many chances of recovery. Dr. Steiner accompanied him to the hospital and assisted in operations that were essential. He will have the best skilled treatment and his relatives and friends hope for the best.

Albert Williams, the man with the gun , does not have the reputation of being a "bad" man. He is said to be a quiet, inoffensive fellow with good traits of character. He is unfortunate in getting himself tangled up into such a net of circumstance, but illicit love has caused many a tragedy since the beginning of this sinful old world.

Hans Egeda Borg
born: 25 Nov 1885 in Richfield, Sevier Co.,Utah
died: 24 Jan 1957 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co.,Utah
burial: 28 Jan 1957 at Salt Lake City Cemetery plot 82709 West-8-48-E-1

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