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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mom's Carrot Cake

Dorothy May Dickerson Borg, born 21 Apr 1924 in Ogden, Utah. Died 13 Nov 1976, after a long fight with cancer, in San Bernardino, California.

Way back when, Mom would bake carrot cake around this time of the year. Us boys knew that around Chistmas time that was a treat worth waiting for. To smell it baking would make my mouth water. To this day we continue to have carrot cake during the holiday season. Below is the recipe for mom's Carrot Cake. We found the card with the recipe written in Mom's hand writing back in the 70's and use it every year to make this great dessert or evening snack. Following is that recipe;

Mom's Carrot Cake

3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 tea/sp cinnamon
1 tea/sp soda
1/2 tea/sp salt---- sift flour, cinnamon, soda and salt then add sugar and mix well.
1 1/2 cups wession oil
3 eggs 1 tea/sp vinella
1 1/2 cups nuts
2 cups shredded carrots
1 1/2 cups pineapple and juice
after well mixed put into two loaf pans that are greased and floured
bake at 325 for about 1 hour or until done.
Let cool in pans on a rack.


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