Thank you for stopping by. This blog is a genealogy blog for my family. I enjoy family history and genealogy and this reflects some of the info I've spent many hours researching. Post comments when possible. I enjoy feedback and look forword reading what you have to offer. My e-mail is Please enjoy, Mike

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Aunt Iola Borg-Beutler

I first posted this early last year but wanted to bring it forward.

This is without saying but remembering back to the early 1950's is somewhat difficult. I was around 7 yrs. old when I first met my Aunt and Uncle. They lived in Richfield, Utah and we lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. My dad, my brother Gary and I took the trip that took all day and then some. For the first time we were going to Richfield where our father and his father was born. We was excited to be able to see the city we had heard so much about. Dad had a 1936 Studebaker and the 160 miles of what would be called backroads today took all day. Boy, I was so excited about all this. From our house we went over to State Street and turned south. Dad said we would be on State or Main Street all the way to Richfield. Now when I look back on that day I can remember all the towns we went through on that trip. By the time we pulled into Richfield it was starting to get dark. This was in the summer time so it must have been getting late. Uncle Don and Aunt Iola welcomed us with open arms. I don't remember much of that first evening but the next morning was a time I will always think about when looking back at my childhood. I don't remember having much contact with my Uncle but my Aunt and I hit it off from the start. I remember thier kids didn't have much to do with my brother and I. I was somewhat of a loner and my brother was a little guy at the time so my cousins and I didn't have much in common. That first morning we all sat down to a breakfast made for a king. From that time on I would look forword to setting down to my Aunt's table for a meal. After being there about two days we all went to Fish Lake and had a great time. We stayed with them in Richfield for about a week when one night dad said he wanted to start back home the next day and we would be leaving early in the morning. In that short time I had become real close to Aunt Iola and didn't want to leave. I was totally surprised when my Aunt ask if I would like to stay for a few more weeks and my Aunt and Uncle would take me home when thay took a trip to Salt Lake City to visit with my Grandfather (Iola's Father). Well to say I was overjoyed would be an understatement. That summer was the best one of my childhood. I had my chores to do but after that it was my time to explore and out in that farm country I did just that. If I wasn't out exploring the world around me then I was riding an old horse that belonged to my Aunt and Uncle. There was so much to do that by dark each night I was in bed asleep. There was times when I would stick around the house helping my Aunt and listening to some of the stories she would tell about the Borg family and about Richfield. Today I wish I could remember the stories she told. This was the first but not the last visit I would have with my Aunt. The very next summer I went to my Aunt and Uncle's for a visit and stayed for about 3 weeks. The two summers I spent in Richfield gave me some memories I would cherish all of my life. It trully saddens me that by the time I was 12 years old I had lost contact with all of my dad's family, never to see nor hear from them. Doing the research on my family's genealogy and history has brought many fond memories and some sad ones back into view.
During my research I found the following information regarding my Aunt and Uncle.

Leo Donald Beutler
born: 30 Sep 1906 in Richfield, Sevier, Utah
died: 16 Jul 1980 in Richfield, Sevier, Utah
Buried: 18 Jul 1980 at Richfield City Cemetery

Iola Borg
born: 19 Nov 1909 in Richfield, Sevier, Utah
died: 30 May 1997 in Provo, Utah, Utah
Buried: 02 Jun 1997 at Richfield City Cemetery

Leo and Iola was married on 01 Dec 1928 in Junction, Piute, Utah

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