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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obituary for Evan D Borg

Evan D. Borg, 28 Jun 1894 - 24 May 1913

Evan Borg Succumbs to Heart Trouble

Funeral Services Held at Family Residence Tuesday

The funeral services over the remains of Evan Borg, the 18 year old son of O.P. Borg who died of heart disease last Saturday, were held at the family residence on Tuesday at 11 o'clock with Bishop G. W. Coons conducting the services.
The high school choir furnished appropriate music, the selestions being: "Jesus Lover of My Soul", "Lead Kindle Light", and "Love's Old Sweet Song," and Kenneth Hood, one of the decedent's high school companions, sang "O My Father" in a most feeling manner. Addresses were delivered by Chris Peterson, J.J. Hayes and Bishop Coons, and all bore testimony in the high character of the young man who had been snatched at death at the time when life's flower was opening to it's ripest and most beautiful condition.
There was a large attendance of neighbors, friends, and high school classmates of the young man.
Evan Borg entered the freshman class of the high school at the opening of the last school year. While always suffering in body his mind was active and he was an excellent student as attested by all his teachers. He was of an unassuming character, and a lovable disposition and his loss will be felt by all his associates.

Published in The Richfield Reaper News in May 1913

Burial, 27 May 1913---- Grave location; Richfield City Cemetery, PLOT# A.03.12.08, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA

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