Thank you for stopping by. This blog is a genealogy blog for my family. I enjoy family history and genealogy and this reflects some of the info I've spent many hours researching. Post comments when possible. I enjoy feedback and look forword reading what you have to offer. My e-mail is Please enjoy, Mike

Saturday, May 2, 2009

HELP regarding BORG genealogy in IDAHO

It is believed that a branch of the BORG family settled in the state of IDAHO. Does anyone have information on these relatives. They are descendants of Lars P. Borg 1833-1904 and migrated from the area of Salt Lake City, Utah. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Mike

PS---- I'm looking for any photos of the Borg family that could be E-Mailed to me.
ESP. pics of my father, Edwin Hamlut Borg, and his siblings Jack, Iola,Gail
and his parents Hans and Martina.


angela said...

Since my grandmother, Gayle (Gail) Borg Groo, passed away in November, we are working on scanning several of her journals and pictures. I'd love to send you copies, if you are interested, when we are done.

Mike Borg said...

Angela, Thank You so much. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like to stay in contact with you if it's ok. My wife, Earleen and I send our most sincere regards to you and your family.

angela said...

I would love to be in contact with you - I have very much enjoyed your blog, ever since my sister, Whitney, told me about it. What is the best way to send you pictures/info?

Mike Borg said...

The best way to contact me is by e-mail . Thanks, Mike